Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Smoked chicken and flat bread

I am in love with smoked chicken. One $15 smoked chicken (normally $11 at Pak'n'Save) has made us 3 scrummy meals. The first night I made flat bread and we had smoked chicken, cranberry and brie pizza. I grated a bit of mozarella on the top and it was yum! Also the kids liked it so that's definitely on the menu again. Then we had smoked chicken and avocado salad which used up the other half of the brie and used the cranberry sauce as a dressing. Absolutely delic! Then i used Sophie Grey's (Destitute Gourmet)recipie for savoury salmon quiche which is self - crusting and changed it to smoked chicken. I used up half an avocado from the fridge, a smidge of cranberry sauce for flavour and added a touch of mozarella to the edam. Looks great though I am yet to do the taste test. This will either be for dinner with a salad or a picnic lunch. So will definitely buy smoked chicken again.
Have been making flat bread as it is so versatile. Can be used as pizza base, naan bread or garlic bread so far. Will try to figure out how to create a link to the recipie but in the meantime.. All you do is combine flour, salt, olive oil, and any flavouring you want in a bowl then add water till it;s a good rolling out consistency. Roll it out and fry without oil in a frypan or hot plate. If you want it to rise add 1 tspn baking powder - easy!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

6 days to go!

Only 6 more sleeps till we move into our new house with it's fantastic new kitchen!!

I am fed up with the boring food we eat and I'm feeling inspired by Sophie Grey of Destitute Gourmet fame and by how fast they can cook a delicious meal on Ready Steady Cook! So my new take on family meals is to spend on small amounts of top quality food and see how far we can make it stretch by using it with cheaper ingredients. I;m hoping someone gives me the new Sophie Grey cookbook for Christmas as this will be a great starting place.

Of course the main difficulty is my incredibly fussy 3 yr old who doesn't eat anything saucy and considers fish fingers the ultimate food! The 2 yr old is less fussy and the baby doesn't eat yet so they should be ok :-) I'm really hoping that by exposing her to a more varied diet she will expand her eating horizons. Good theory anyway!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Starting out

So here I am, trying to keep up with the technology and try something new. Please forgive my mistakes and keep reading as I will improve! I'm bored with the way we eat in our family so I'm trying to find new and exciting ways to cook on a very limited budget. I'm hoping sharing my thoughts will inspire me to keep trying new things. Any family friendly recipies welcome. Wish me luck!