Sunday, May 9, 2010

Raspberry buns

I discovered raspberry essence in the supermarket recently so I thought I'd have a go at Raspberry Buns. I googled them and found most of the recipes were the same. It turns out it was a basically a scone type mix for the buns.

I then made icing using the raspberry essence and a bit of extra red food colouring. I did a couple with icing then coconut

then decided to mix the coconut into the icing instead.

These were different to what I expected but quite tasty all the same. The kids especially thought they were good.
I also made a large version. I preferred this as it was a bit more of a bread texture than a scone. I iced it, then cut into slices and spread it with butter so it was more like a Sally Lunn. This was more to my taste, though of course, the kids preferred the small version with more icing!

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